What people ask us.

About Montessori 

  • Montessori is a method and philosophy for teaching children, based on the work of pioneering educator Maria Montessori. It is an individualized educational program that prepares children for life. Independence, confidence, and an inquiring mind are the results of this education, achieved through a sense of order and respect.

    Montessori is a sensorial education, and the children are effortlessly able to classify and categorize their world through the work in the Prepared Environment of the Montessori classroom. The work is sequential in order and moves from concrete sensorial experiences to abstract understanding of the world. Montessori prepares the child to be a socially engaged and respectful member of society through these experiences.

  • For children six and under, Montessori emphasizes learning through all five senses, not just through listening, watching, or reading. Children in Montessori classes learn at their own, individual pace and according to their own choice of activities from hundreds of possibilities. They are not required to sit and listen to a teacher talk to them as a group but are engaged in individual or group activities of their own, with materials that have been introduced to them 1:1 by the teacher who knows what each child is ready to do. Learning is an exciting process of discovery, leading to concentration, motivation, self-discipline, and a love of learning.

    There is no limit to what they create in this kind of intelligently guided freedom. There is great respect for the choices of the children, but they easily keep up with or surpass what they would be doing in a more traditional setting. There is no wasted time and children enjoy their work and study. The children ask each other for lessons and much of the learning comes from sharing and inspiring each other instead of competing.

  • Rather than focusing on the narrow academic life of young children traditionally learning colors, letters numbers, etc., Montessori focuses on the whole child for experiences and development in all areas of human experience. A Montessori education results in an independent, inquisitive, respectful, socialized, and educated whole child.

  • Montessori is designed to help all children reach their fullest potential at their own unique pace. A classroom whose children have varying abilities is a community in which everyone learns from one another, and everyone contributes. Moreover, multi-age grouping allows each child to find his or her own pace without feeling “ahead” or “behind” in relation to peers.

  • Mixed-age classrooms empower older children to be role models and to show younger children how to do what they (the older children) already know—making them part of the teaching process. Younger children look up to the older ones and want to be like them which creates a sense of motivation to learn new things.

    Children, even those that are the same age, all learn at a different level and pace and personalized approach allows for this freedom. There is no competition or expectation for children to learn the same things as everyone else their age at the same time. Also, with mixed-age groups, children stay with the same teacher for all three years they are in Montessori enabling a close bond to be formed.

  • Yes. Montessori classrooms encourage deep learning of the concepts behind academic skills rather than rote practice of abstract techniques. The success of our students appears in the experiences of our alumni, who compete successfully with traditionally educated students in a variety of high schools and universities.

  • No. Montessori educates children without reference to a religious denomination. As a result, Maitri Montessori has an extremely diverse student base, with representation from all peoples, cultures, and religions. We honor the backgrounds of each of our students and take the opportunity to celebrate different holidays and cultural customs as appropriate.

In our classroom

  • All children need to bring a backpack, a change of clothes clearly labeled, indoor and out door shoes and a healthy lunch.

  • The school day begins at 8:00 a.m. Our academic day routine includes extended Montessori work time of two to three hours comprised of both individual and small group work, an outdoor recess time and a nap or rest time. The academic day finishes at 3pm.

  • All children have a natural need to move. Children move freely around the classroom and have daily outdoor experiences of exploration and play fulfilling that need. Creativity is evident daily in the children’s artwork, extensions of sensorial exploration, social interactions, and problem-solving.

  • There is freedom of choice within limits. The teacher prepares herself, the environment, and the children to respect oneself, each other, and the environment, by setting clear boundaries and ground rules.

    Lessons are always given in the Montessori community before free choice occurs. This also goes back to having mixed-age groups where, for example, in the beginning of the school year the older children are the role models who “show” others how things are done in the classroom. Respect is a key component of the classroom. That said, the other piece to creating and keeping peace, is to facilitate peaceful conflict resolution by helping children dialogue any problems that may arise. Teachers are prepared to handle any and all situations that arise and to guide the community in a calm, slow, respectful, and peaceful manner at all times. She must protect the children from disruptions, i.e., other children taking their work or bothering one another as well as from other adults who may want to step in and “help” the child.

  • Being in a class with other children and teachers, rather than parents, presents new challenges for a child. Learning to get along in certain situations is why school is important for young children. To ensure a child’s first school experience is a positive one, discipline is based on respect. To the extent that is developmentally appropriate, children are respected as independent individuals with rights to self-determination and self-direction. Such an attitude leads to a strong sense of self-esteem and dignity.

    Respect for the rights of other children and adults as well as the materials in the environment are fundamental agreements of conduct at Maitri. By defining the limits within which children may act, and by being explicit about the reasons for these limits, a child learns self-discipline and self-control.

    Grace and courtesy lessons are part of the curriculum. Children are shown how to ask for a turn, or explain that they are using something, how to interrupt appropriately, how to observe others and how to express their feelings or ask for assistance.

  • We have no technology in the classroom. The developmental period from 0 to 6 years is a sensorial time and information is gathered through hands-on experiences. The young child’s world is one of sensation and concrete experiences. Maria Montessori designed her approach with the philosophy that the hand is the teacher of the young child. Computers are a tool of the second developmental period of childhood from 6 to 9 years old, where the child moves to the world of abstraction.

  • We are a small private school, committed to providing individualized attention to our students. Our maximum class size is 8, allowing us to take the time and energy to focus on the growth and learning of your child.

Assessing Progress & Student Outcomes

  • There are two formal parent/teacher conferences offered during the school year for a personal discussion of the children’s work. Informal teacher conferences are welcome anytime the parent requests. Notes and pictures are uploaded into Brightwheel, your private portal, on a daily basis so you can see how your child is progressing and the activities he/she is completing.

  • First and foremost, we look forward to connecting with parents in person when the opportunities arise! In order to ensure we keep you in the loop with everything going on at Maitri Montessori, we leverage email and Brightwheel, our private, on-line portal, to frequently communicate newsletters, photographs and teachers notes to our parent community.

    Maitri Montessori also offers regular Parent Education opportunities as a means of communicating the method and philosophy with parents.

  • Children who complete the three-year cycle in a Montessori primary environment are developmentally ready to transition into the public or other private school setting. Maria Montessori discusses planes of development in her writings and has broken them down into three ages spans, birth to age 3, ages 3 to 6, ages 6 to 9, and so on. As a 6-year-old, the child is now ready to be part of a larger peer group and ready for a different level of learning. Ultimately, the goal of Maitri Montessori is not to get a child ready for public school, but to prepare the child for life through the experiences we provide.

Program Hours & Logistics

  • Our core school day is 8:00am to 3:00pm, five days a week. For our core school day, the morning drop-off window is from 7:45am to 8am and the afternoon pick-up window is from 3pm-3:15pm.

  • We do not currently offer before or after school care to our students. We feel strongly that children benefit from less structured time and time at home after a busy school day.

  • You or your teacher will sign your child in on Brightwheel at drop off. Please make sure to check your child’s health and readiness for school before check in. Your teacher will be there to greet you.

  • If you arrive after drop-off time, please come directly to class to hand over care and sign your child in on Brightwheel . We ask that if you are late, you enter quietly and say a quick good-bye, as most classes are in circle at this time.

  • Children may be picked up between, 3 and 3:15 PM , outside the main house. We encourage punctuality, children are eager to see heir care givers at the end of the school day. I late fee will be applied to regular offenders.

  • Each child has their own property cubby outside their classroom. Please check your child's cubby each day for activities from the classroom, or any personal property.

    Please note we encourage independence and responsibility and help the children learn to look after their belongings. Please do not send your child to school with precious or irreplaceable clothing or personal property. For property that does come to school please be sure to label each item.

Health & Safety

  • It is inevitable that your child will become ill sometime during the school year. Please make advance arrangements to ensure your child can leave school, if needed. If a child becomes ill while at school, a staff member calls his or her parents to come and take their child home. If a parent is unreachable, we will contact people listed on the emergency card. To ensure the health of all of our children, we ask that you pick up your sick child within 60 minutes.

    In addition, the school will notify parents if a child has been exposed to a contagious disease like COVID, Pink Eye or the Flu. Likewise, Maitri must be informed of any contagious diseases in your household. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms, they must stay home for 24 hours after the symptoms subside.

  • • Diarrhea, vomiting

    • Fever, particularly if over 101°

    • Certain rashes until diagnosed by a physician

    • Pink eye

    • Cold and coughs, when a child’s energy is low or too sick to participate

    • Being too sick to participate

  • With written permission, a doctor’s note, and the original prescription in the original container, we can dispense medication. Please contact our administrator for more information.

  • Maitri feels strongly about maintaining a safe, clean environment. All classrooms are cleaned thoroughly each evening using non-toxic, yet highly effective cleaning agents. All activities, cots and mats are sanitized each evening in preparation for the next day.

  • Yes. We have a formal earthquake and emergency evacuation plan. Should we need to evacuate we will meet at the Museum of Latin American Art located at 628 Alamitos Ave. Long Beach CA. Parents will be notified by text and through Brightwheel.

    We also have emergency supplies for all children on site.

    Maitri has an emergency backpack with snacks, boxed water, first aid, blankets and flashlights.

    In addition to these supplies, Maitri teachers have current CPR and first aid certifications.

Tuition & Finances

  • We have an initial one-time non refundable registration fee of $200. Our monthly tuition is $1,950 per month for children 18months- 3 years old. Tuition for children 3-4 is $1,650 per month and for children aged 4-5, tuition is $1,450 monthly. Tuition is to be direct debited from your account. There is a 15% discount if you pay annually. Tuition will be pro-rated appropriately based on when the student starts school.

    We are a tuition based private school and we believe in the importance of socioeconomic diversity. Should financial assistance be needed, we are approved by the following childcare subsidy agency.

    Crystal Stairs Inc.

    5110 Goldleaf Cir #150 Los Angeles, CA 90056. Tel: 323-299-8998

  • Maitri is reserving space for your child. We therefore ask that you pay your tuition one month in advance.

  • At Maitri Montessori we understand that there are situations beyond a parent’s control. However, we require 30 days' written notice for withdrawal. We do this because of the expenses we incur due to our full expectation that your child will continue in the program.

  • If you have elected to pay your bill monthly, you will receive an invoice through Brightwheel.

    All on-going payments must be made by ACH or Electronic Payment. This invoice is for your records, and your payment is automatically transacted as indicated on your tuition contract.

  • You may be eligible for tax benefits to help pay for your child's education by reducing the income taxes you pay. Typically, all day care expenses count towards this deduction. For specific guidance, please contact a tax professional.

    A tax credit is even more valuable to families than a tax deduction. A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in taxes owed. Under current federal law, eligible families can claim tax credits up to:

    $6,000 from the Federal Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (up to $3,000 for each of your first two children—the exact amount depends on your income and actual childcare expenses); $1,000 per child from the federal Child Tax Credit.

    Detailed information on federal tax credits for parents is available from the Internal Revenue Service at 800-TAX-1040.

  • No. We do not allow any "makeup days" or refunds for class time missed for any reason. We do this to ensure your child’s placement in class.

  • Yes, we offer a 15% discount should you pay for a year tuition upfront.

  • Yes! We will pro-rate your tuition if you are joining mid-year.

  • We are a small, private school that focuses on providing a comprehensive educational experience for children. Our teachers are educators as well as caretakers, with extensive qualifications and experience. We deliver highly effective learning experiences for our children that surpass what you would expect in a standard daycare environment. Our fee structure reflects being an educational institution that offers cutting edge resources and individualized learning.